Sunday, October 28, 2012

FIT Bottomed Girls You Make the Rockin' World Go 'Round!


I've been M.I.A. for a while now but I'm back and feeling better than ever!

While on hiatus, I decided to get back to the things that make me happy and even convinced my best friend, Trey, into doing a 5k with me! 

How the Race for the Cure 5K for Me:

1. What was your favorite moment of the race? So I know this may sound totally corny, but my absolute favorite moment was crossing the finish line (no where close to being last) and getting to share it with Trey!
2. Did you reach your goal? As far as I’m concerned, yes! I made it through training and the race itself without injuries, which was what I'd hoped for. Next time however, I'm setting the goal to not give myself the walking break... but the breaks this time aren’t really getting me down. Overall, I’m pretty darn proud!
3. Pick one word to describe the race. Blast. Blasts of cold air, what felt like a blastoff at mile 2. Running on a  beautiful and sunny day is exponentially more fun than running solo on a treadmill. A total blast.
I’m already scoping out my next race. I’m still not going to admit to being hooked on running, but I am hooked on the party surrounding the events. And while I still say HECK TO THE NO about running a marathon, I’m kicking around more of the 10K distance or maybe, maybe a half marathon. Who knows.

Today however, I'd like to share one of my favorite spots for inspiration... (hence the title) Fit Bottomed Girls!

I love finding new sites so feel free to share (If anyone even reads this thing...) away! 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Kicking the Food Pyramid to the curb

Are you anything like me, and your goal is to lose weight BUT you do not see changes just with increased physical activity? Then let’s try reducing portions and servings may help, while still using the pyramid as a guide.  

Choose My Plate Website
My 1200 Calorie Diet Breakdown:
1200 Calorie Cheat Sheet :)
  • 6 oz. lean meat/protein 

  • 5 servings grains 

  • 3 servings fruit 

  • 4 or more servings vegetables 

  • 2 servings dairy (low fat preferred)
               Thanks to the fabulous new “Food Plate”, I’ve found some pretty amazing tools for success. Check these tips out and tell me what YOU think.
my plate Goodbye Food Pyramid, Hello Plate. The Times, They Are A Changin
Balancing Calories
  • Enjoy your food, but eat less.

  • Avoid oversized portions.
Foods to Increase
  • Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.

  • Make at least half your grains whole grains.

  • Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk.
Foods to Reduce
  • Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals and choose the foods with lower numbers.

  • Drink water instead of sugary drinks.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

My fitbit family is complete! :)

I'm so excited that my fitbit ultra came in yesterday!

Now my little fitbit family is complete and I couldn't be more ecstatic!

I'm trying the sleep tracker for the first time tonight, so stay tuned to see if my love for it compares to my love for my fitbit aria scale!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Head Over Heels

I’m completely head over heels for my Fitbit Aria Scale! It makes losing weight like a game for me… and I’m a very competitive person. In my first week, I lost 3.2 pounds!!! Of course, the scale is only a tool along with keeping a food journal on the fitbit website and exercising… but I just can’t help but praise this fabulous little scale for getting me on the road to a healthy life.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

'Cause she's going the distance!

So... if you've read any of my posts you know that I’ve yo-yoed between 25 pounds for the last 2 years and it’s time to say adios to this way of living. 

Here’s the deal though… I love a good margarita, New York size slices of pizza and worst of all… being a couch bum! The thing is… last time I checked, those things didn’t add up to a 
happy and healthy me. 

Who knows if anyone will read this, but by god it’s time I stick with something and see it through. After all, if god brings you to it… he’ll bring you through it. Right? 

First thing’s first, I’m a god fearing lady with a crude sense of humor… so if my page offends anyone… sorry love!

Let’s get this show on the road. 

Here you see my two new keys to success… my fitbit aria scale (which is heaven sent!) and my loud and obnoxiously lovely neon tennies! 

Oh, and as you probably noticed in the photo, I have an undying love for England and was 
blessed enough to live there a couple of years ago. 

Here’s to the past, now on to the future!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

August Challenge: Eat Clean.. Train Mean!

I like to think a new week should start on Sunday... that way, you have a whole day of relaxing before a busy week of work! Sounds great in theory at least, right? Check back on Wednesday to see if this theory actually works. 

Do you ever just feel sluggish no matter how much sleep you get? That's pretty much summed up my whole weekend, and I think I've nailed it on the head... if I change my diet (eliminating my beloved Diet Coke's and limiting my intake of processed foods.) Then maybe... just maybe... I'll start getting that extra boost to power through my morning workouts. Thanks to my addiction to Pinterest, I stumbled across this fabulous little chart that really makes sense, so enjoy!
I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty darn good at BSing myself into thinking that trip to Taco Bell isn't as bad as it sounds... then viola... I wonder why I haven't lost weight and feel sluggish. (Like I do today...) Don't beat yourself up though, because I've found that only makes me like a failure.

 Instead, I'm taking it as a challenge that only I can complete, because after all, 
So get to workin' on your fitness and I will too!

Airplanes in the Night Sky

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Something New

So even though I'm a week behind, I'm jumping back on my fitness bandwagon this week and my 10 week challenge. This week's goal: 
Something New.. Something New... Normally, I'm really good at this but today I'm having a brain fart on what I want to do... 
(13 days seems like an eternity now... but it's a challenge that hopefully I can extend into a good habit, and it's longer than the week it's intended for!)

Why did I choose Fast Food Fasting? 
Because I have a deep fear of looking like this. 

Monday, July 16, 2012


Today is merely a quote day to get myself pumped for this evening's workout. :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Heart Of The Matter

For so long… I’ve been focusing on the wrong keys to happiness. Even with the weight loss aspect. I’ve been so incredibly impatient that I turned my focus on quick fixes that I knew wouldn’t work, though I desperately wanted them to. So today… I’m getting down to the heart of the matter… Happiness.

In order to truly embrace this lifestyle change, I need to stop looking at the things that I cannot change and start focusing on what I can…  Writing is my therapy, so please bear with me through this post...

  • Overcoming my “Tragedy of Existence”:  I don’t know about everyone else, but I try to measure up to others at all costs… leading me down a funk that I’ve recently learned is defined as “tragedy of existence”.  What in the world could this EMO definition possibly try to define? Here’s the Katie summary…. (Though you may completely disagree, I would love to know your interpretations!) If you’re anything like me you plan and over-analyze just about every significant (and sometimes unimportant) part of my life. I think what can I do differently to be more successful or to make this person happy. This morning I woke up to a huge realization that I needed to just STOP. All I’ve been doing is punishing myself, as I get overwhelmed wondering… Are things right?  Maybe I’m supposed to be alone? What can I do to make everything BETTER?  This is my monster that I must overcome… there is nothing dooming me to be mediocre or to fail at completing my goals but my own doubt. The hardest part of this step is accepting that, “By realizing this great truth, you have the foundation for attaining happiness in knowing the fact everything about your existence will ultimately work out and you needn’t worry about it.”
  • Another thing that I’ve newly come to terms with is that, “the key to happiness is realizing that happiness is not about feeling joy all the time or everything always working out in your life.” There comes that little excuse monster that I’ve latched onto for eons! If anything, I need to be content with the good aspects of my life as I strive to better myself inside and out… without beating myself up! Sometimes bad things have to happen for us in order for us to appreciate the good life has to offer. 
  • Other people are not necessary for YOUR happiness: This one really hits home because I unfortunately am guilty of this one… and I know now that I can’t rely on other people being in my life as a key to my happiness, because you never know when they no longer need you in their life. This one takes me back to square one… What do I personally do to make myself happy… exercise, get outdoors, watch movies, read books… you get the picture. No matter what though, I still hold a special place for those who are here for me and never want to take them for granted.
  • “Stress is the MAIN cause of Unhappiness”: Oh I definitely hear this one all too clear…  Ed Reep nailed this one on the head when he said, “Some of the most painful, miserable moments I’ve ever felt were when I had to work on projects I waited until the last minute to start — it’s suffocating, like being stuffed in a morgue container for days while you’re conscious. At least when you’re unhappy because of some tragedy or drama in your life (or even the tragedy of existence), you have the luxury of being able to take your mind off what’s bothering you by getting lost in a pleasant activity. But, since you’re almost always stressed in life because there is some unpleasant activity you must do or something you feel you should worry about, you have no outlet to take your mind off what’s making you unhappy because you are obligated to keep your mind on the source of your unhappiness.” My procrastination and over-whelming fear of failure really has kept me from being the best person that I can be for myself... Also to look instead into the things in life that I am actually passionate about.
Bottom line… in order to truly love myself and succeed, I need to strive to be as happy as possible instead of looking for excuses and easy outs. Also, that I need to help those in my life be as happy as possible because those are the ones who will be there cheering you on at the finish line.

Conclusion to my drawn out post: Success and Happiness DO go hand in hand, if you allow them. It is attainable if you believe in yourself! This is the life I want to lead and hopefully I helped someone else along my road to self-discovery.

Ed Reem's Article

Friday, July 6, 2012

The race is ON!!!

So... on my quest for healthiness, today I decided to forego my usual pit-stops at the Japanese To Go place or the BK Lounge... Instead, I finally made on of the endless recipes I pin on Pinterest...

Ravioli with Spinach Pesto
It turned out so yummy that I had to blog about it. Given, my presentation looked nothing like the recipe picture haha... but I Katie-fied it with Zucchini as a replacement and Viola! 

It's been a crazy week with the holiday, but I'm happy to say that Workin' On My Fitness- July is just the ease back into running. 

Most importantly, I'm so excited to announce my first 5K Race! 2012 Central GA Race For The Cure!!! Even though it's still more than 100 days away! 

Let's see... what's something inspirational that I like to go with this week's theme.. 
So true!

Monday, July 2, 2012

"I don't care about being stick thin. I don't want stuff to jiggle."-Miranda Lambert

It's time to get back to square one. I have completely neglected my blog for months... but now I've decided to shake things up a bit and turn this into my accountability tool to push myself to finish my first Half Mary!! 

Now back to reality... I need to start with getting back into 5k shape! 
Here's my July schedule:

I mean it's a new week... a new month and definitely time for a new outlook.

Thanks to my fabulous inspiration The Vault Files and Livestrong for changing my 'tude and getting me back on the positive path!!!

Week 1 Challenge: 
  • Log with Livestrong EVERY DAY
  • Limit Fast Food to max of 3 times... (I'm not quite to a place where I can go cold turkey on my addiction to Chick-fil-a.. or their Peach Milkshakes!)
  • Follow Gaby's Week Tips!

Monday Inspirational Quote: 
"I don't care about being stick thin. I don't want stuff to jiggle. Really 
skinny actresses make me hungry. I see them and think, 'Honey, you 
need to eat!' I'm lucky I don't have to live like that. I feel my best when 
I'm a toned, not flabby, size 8. Women come up to me and say, 'You're 
beautiful and confident, and that makes me feel I can be too!"

Thursday, February 9, 2012

"He's not complicated. He's not complex. He's a lacrosse player."

That's the story that George Huguely V's Defense Attorney is pushing at least. With testimonies of neighbors even being able to hear the encounter even down the street, it doesn't look good for Huguely. What on earth am I talking about you may ask? The details behind the UVA Lacrosse Murder
So now that you know the background, do you think that an uncomplicated lacrosse player could possibly be capable of cold-blooded murder?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Size 6 is PLUS size?

I could not believe this when it appeared on our stations website. If a size 6 is now plus, what does that make me, queen sized?!?! It is even said that the icon Marilyn Monroe was a size 12! How could we as a culture claim that someone as iconic as Marilyn be pretty much OBESE?

"Magazine editorial reveals shocking disparity between sizes of models and real women"
A size 6 is now plus size in the fashion world, and most runway models meet the physical criteria for anorexia, according to a report that offers shocking insight into the disparity between models and the real-life women they are purporting to represent.In the January issue of PLUS Model Magazine, plus size model Katya Zharkova and a straight size model are seen in the nude in an attempt to “open the minds of the fashion industry," which is stepping further away from reality, according to PLUS founder and editor-in-chief, Madeline Figueroa Jones.
The magazine reveals that some of today’s plus size models are wearing the same size as models Christie Brinkley, Paulina Porizkova and Cindy Crawford at the height of their fame in the 1990s. Zharkova, 28, wears a size 14.The photos appear alongside statistics about today's sometimes dangerously thin straight size models and the continuously shrinking frames of plus size models. Among the revelations: “Twenty years ago the average fashion model weighed 8 percent less than the average woman. Today she weighs 23 percent less” and “most runway models meet the Body Mass Index physical criteria for Anorexia.”
Click here for the NSFW images.When Jones first saw the images, shot by photographer Victoria Janashvili, her reaction was immediate and emotional.
“I nearly cried,” she told “The images were submitted to other mainstream magazines and while they loved what they were seeing, they would not publish them. When they came to me, there was no hesitation on my part. I knew this would be amazing for people to see and that if we added the correct statistics, the impact would be powerful.”Click here to see the full editorial from PLUS Model magazine.
And powerful it was. When PLUS model magazine published a blog post, boldly titled “Plus Size Bodies, What Is Wrong With Them Anyway,”  it spread like wildfire. The post asks why the fashion world is afraid to cater to plus size women in advertising, but is willing to accept their dollars.
“This is not about healthy vs. non-healthy women,” Jones tells Fox411. “Because if that was so, most of the models on the runway in New York and Paris would not be walking. Not eating for days at a time can’t be healthy. But I don’t see anyone proclaiming how unhealthy it is and yanking them off the runway and denying them fashion.”Jones added that the feature is simply about “those plus size women who do embrace their size and want to be treated, marketed to and accepted as equals.”
The response to the blog post blew Jones and her team away. It received more than 300,000 hits within the first days of being published, as well as more than 7,000 Facebook shares and more than 1,000 on Twitter.
“The statistics and photos in this article have had a global impact,” Tulin Reid, Executive Marketing and Creative Director of PLUS said in a statement. “As a plus size fashion magazine, we are thrilled with the results as it expands the conversation that we have monthly between advertisers, designers, readers and the modeling industry.“We are not advocating an unhealthy lifestyle, but the right to have as many fashion options as the next size 2, 6 or 8 woman,” Jones said. “There are all sorts of epidemics right now besides obesity, which include cancer, auto immune diseases and a myriad of eating disorders.”
Most of the comments on the post have offered support of the message and include shared accounts of painful shopping experiences.Still, the response hasn’t been all positive and Jones admitted that the experience was an eye-opener for her.
“I knew that we would get some backlash but I did not expect for plus size women to be compared to drug addicts,” Jones said. “Some of the feedback was so bad, we couldn’t even approve it for the public to see. But we want the conversation to happen because it gives us the opportunity to help them see that this is not a health issue. It’s an equal rights issue.”

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Murder at the Palace... DUN DUN DUN!

               I’ve decided that from now on (or at least for today) I’d like to discuss MY personal Head Liner for the day! Today’s choice… none other than Murder at the Palace!

               Just like many American’s, I am infatuated with anything British Royalty… maybe that’s why I happened to miss England oh so much when I moved back to the states? Any who, about this death… could the royals really have anything to do with this mysterious Jane Doe? Chances are likely not, but it does make for a juicy read. First thought that comes to mind is a scene out of a favorite show of mine Downton Abbey. Scandal amongst the royals has been low key ever since Fergie was royally flushed back in 2010.
                This New Years discovery comes just days after the royal family (including William and Kate) spent Christmas right at Sandringham.  One interesting fact, the royal family has some of the top security detail in the world right? Yet, the body was discovered by a person out walking their dog just 2 miles from the residence! This is definitely a story that I and many others will gladly buy magazines to get further details as they become available! Until then, Happy New Year and Happy Birthday to my fabulous father, Olin!

Monday, January 2, 2012

It's the end of the world as we know it... And I feel fine!

The biggest problem about moving home, is figuring out where in the world you're going to put all of the crap you've accumulated in college... AND force yourself to part ways with things from your childhood. This process has made me realize that I indeed am a pack rat! Today's challenge, VHS tapes and CD cases... I don't know why, but I can not bring myself to chunk these cases (I mean what year did the Macarena come out and I STILL am the proud owner of just the case...)

Later in the day (Instead of sleeping!)

Enough about that... Trey went on a spill about the whole Nostadamus/Mayan calendar thing and it really had me thinking... If the Mayan's knew so much, wouldn't their civilization still exist? Any who I decided to turn it into a game... 12/21/12 right?
1- thing I would grab if my house was on fire: Harrison
2- favorite boredom busters: The E! Network and Pintrest

2- things I could live forever without seeing: A jail cell and a Great White Shark swimming with me. (Any shark for that matter!)
1- favorite comfort food: Pizza

12- favorite places I've ever been:

  • Seeing London from the top of St. Paul's Cathedral
  • The breathtaking views of Santorini with great friends!   
  • Hunting out the Loch Ness Monster/ Harry Potter landmarks in Scotland with Cecily
  • The view of  Neuschwanstein  Castle from this little bridge in Germany
  • Watching the Eiffel Tower light show with my family
  • Snorkeling in Grand Cayman during Shark Week.. That was an experience!
  • Jogging across the Golden Gate Bridge with my high school friends.
  • Trying to find Oprah's  house in Nassau via jet ski with my best friend. 
  • Drinking Sangria while watching a Flamenco show in Madrid.
  • Realizing we were only 20 minutes from the Mexican border in South Padre Island with amazing friends.
  • Being on Bourbon Street on Fat Tuesday of Mardi Gras.
  • Last but not least... getting to experience 5 amazing football seasons in The Grove as a student!

This was much more fun reflecting on the past instead of thinking of a potential dooms day...  Happy New Year from my crazy tamblings!